The NEL is the onsite housing that most of our Interns take advantage of during their time at ARC. Rooms are reserved on a first come, first served basis so make sure you make arrangements ASAP.
Airbnb is a great resource for those of you that are more comfortable in a house or apartment offsite. Groups of students can rent houses and apartments together making rent more affordable. You must have an Airbnb account to be approved to rent, so make sure you do this ASAP as it can take long to be approved to rent.
Craigslist is also an option for temporarily renting rooms. The closest cities to search for rooms would be Mountain View, Palo Alto, and Santa Clara.
If you are more comfortable in a hotel setting, there are a handful of hotels that you can take advantage of in the area. Below is one of many options:
Santa Clara University housing page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/817588925001169/
San Jose State University housing page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1426595240988253/?notif_id=1544126016414909¬if_t=group_r2j_approved
Stanford University housing page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1694899444070553/
Getting to ARC
Your First Day
The Nasa Ames Research Center is located right off of the US-101 freeway. Exit Moffett Field/ NASA Parkway.
In order to come on-site you need to pick up a Visitor Badge from Bldg. 26 (see attached map). You are required to show TWO forms of ID to get a Visitor Badge.
After you receive your Ames Visitor Badge, head to your Orientation location.